Friday, September 28, 2012

My Draft Background - Bamboo Forest

Here is the home and T-stage for my Fashionable Panda Lady!

I drew one bamboo, and made several copies. Then I rotated them a little bit, modified the shapes, applied different colors and gradient effects onto them to create the unity and variety principles in my design.

I only had one bamboo leaf though. I will use some technique to generate more leaves from the one that i have drawn at the next class. That will save me a lot of time!


  1. I really love the detail you've put in for the bamboo forest background. I think it'll turn out very nicely! Hopefully the leaves won't take you too long.
    Your fashion panda lady is also very nicely drawn. Overall I'm pretty impressed, and I think you've come up with a very original idea. Great work, Vicky :]

  2. The work is amazing and even tho there are many greens, you were still able to set things apart.
    It would be great to see some more shading within the bamboo trees, but besides that the work blows my mind!!
